Considering the effect of brand image on customer profitability based on service quality and customer perceived value


In order to achieve new opportunities for profitability, organizations should manage their relationships with customers.Despite the importance of customer profitability concept for organizations, so far this issue has been generally considered from financial management point of view and the role of marketing management in this field has not been taken into consideration as much. This study with the aim of investigating the effect of brand image on customer profitability, designed the model of customer profitability for organizations in the field of marketing.This is a developmental-applied research with the nature of descriptive-survey. Data collection tool is questionnaire that its reliability has been confirmed using Cronbach's alpha (95%). The statistical population is active firms in the field of Information Technology in Tehran that 203 companies of these based on Kendall definition have been chosen randomly as sample. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and the results introduce brand image, service quality, customer perceived value and customer loyalty in the field of marketing management as variables affecting customer profitability of organizations.


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