Designing a Comprehensive Academic Entrepreneurship Model for Science and Technology Park of University of Tehran

Document Type : Management & Entrepreneurship



Today, the change in the three main factors embedded inside innovation national systems including industry, government, and university has defined new mission in the form of academic entrepreneurship to universities. It provides innovation idea enhancement among the scientific members and students to create research commercialization and economic development. Under the new economic transformation plan, the government transformation plan and the path to development of a country, universities must ensure that the education system continues to progress in tandem. By doing so, the economy will continue to keep pace in an increasingly competitive global economy. The purpose of this study is designing an academic entrepreneurship model in the Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran. The current study also is considered as an empirical research, and the research methodology is descriptive-correlative type. To test the main objective of the current study, a survey was conducted among 100 Knowledge-based corporations in the Science and Technology Park of University of Tehran. Structural Equation Modeling (hereafter abbreviated as SEM) was used for data analysis. The findings of study show positive and significant relationships between organizational, individual, and institutional factors and academic entrepreneurship in the Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran.


Main Subjects

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