Designing a Model of Human Resource Management Strategies Based on Competing Values Framework Case of Study: Iranian National Gas Company))

Document Type : Sterategic Management


1 management department, islamic azad university

2 management department, slamic azad university


This paper aims to designing a model of human resource management strategies based on competing value framework. this research was Mixed methodology approach (qualitative and quantitative). In the first phase, the library method to develop a theoretical framework for designing and explaining the proposed model of fuzzy modeling method whit 9 experts was conducted using academic and administrative. Secondly, the model in the field using a questionnaire between 209 experts, according to Morgan table ,the sample was classified random experimental test. To analyze the data, were used, descriptive statistics (frequency tables, standard deviation, mean, etc.) and inferential statistics (structural equation modeling) to help was used software, SPSS, Lisrel and AMOS. The results confirmed the theoretical and empirical fit the model, this gap in the show in organization. that cultural now status (Bureaucratic)and cultural preferred status (clan) with the now status of human resource management strategies(Bargain laborer) are not aligned and perfect fit. This is important in reducing the effectiveness of the organization. Therefore, it is suggested, while analyzing the gap policy makers and Administrator , National Gas Company strategy and HRM practices in aliening with their organization culture context.
Keyword: Competing Values, Human Resources Management , Human Resources Strategies, Organizational Culture, Modeling.


Main Subjects

فهرست منابع
-       Armstrong, M . (2006). A handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (10rd ed.) .London/Philadelphia: Kogan.
-       Armstrong, M. (2008).Strategic Human Resource Management : A Guide to Action (3rd ed.). London/Philadelphia: Kogan.
-       Boxall, P .(2014). The future of employment relations from perspective of human resource management, Journal of International Relations, 56(4), 578-593.
-       Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E.  (1999). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the competing values framework(2rd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman.
-       Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2006). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture, Based on the Competing Values Framework (2rd ed.). Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons.
-       Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture, Based on the Competing Values Framework (4rd ed.). Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons.
-       Campbell,  J. P., : David A. B., : Norman G. P., & Marvin D. D. (1974) . The Measurement of Organizational Effectiveness: A Review of Relevant Research and Opinion. Navy Personnel Research and Development Center, San Diego, CA.
-       Chermerhon, H .(2005). Organizational Behavior  (3rd ed.) . New York: John Wiley and son inc.
-       Delery, J. & Doty, D. H. (1996). Models of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurationally performance predictors. Academy. Management Journal. 39(4), 802-835.
-       Denison, D. R., : Haaland, S. & Goelzer, P. (2000). Corporate culture and organizational effectiveness: Is Asia different from the rest of the world? Organizational Dynamics, 33 (1), 98-109.
-       Fey, C. F. & Denison, D. R. (2003). Organizational culture and effectiveness: can American theory be applied in Asia? Organization Science , 14(6), 686–706.
-       Grant, R. M. ( 1996). Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Strategy Management Journal ,4(17), 109–11.
-       Kaplan, R. S. & Norton, D.P. (2001). The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Score-card Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
-       Lapnina, I. M. & Gunta. S. O. (2014). Human resource management modesl :aspects of knowledge management and corporate social responsibility, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 110,(6), 577-586.
-       Lee, J.C.: Shiue, Y.C. & Chen, C.Y.  (2016) . Examining the impacts of organizational culture and top management support of knowledge sharing on the success of software process improvement" . Computers in Human Behavior.Elsevier, 54(9),  462- 474.
-       Monavarian, Abbas, : Gholipoor , Aryan., & Heydari, Ahmad. (2013). Organizational Culture Analysis and Alignment Determine of Human Resource Management Staffing System whit Cultural Optimum Values in Iran Insurance Corporation, Public Administration Quarterly, 3(6), 402-123. (In Persian)
-       Naurizbaevana, .D S. (2012) .Human Resource Management Practices in kazakhstan Oil and Gas industry (case of KazTransGas company) Unpublished Ph.D, The Kazakh British Technical University. Kazakhstan.
-       Ngui, T. K. (2014). Effect of human resource management strategies on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya, Unpublished Ph.D, The Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Kenya.
-       Noe, R. : Hollenbeck, J., : Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2009). Human resource management :Gaining a competitive advantage ,(7rd ed.). McGraw-Hill. NewYork:free press.
-       Ouchi, W.G. & Jaeger, A.M .(1978). Type Z organization: stability in the midst of mobility. Academy of Management Review ,3(2), 305–14.
-       Panayotopoulou, L. & Papalexandris, N.  (2004). Examining the link between human resource management orientation and firm performance.Personnel Review, 33(5), 499-820.
-       Quinn, R. E. & Rohrbaugh, J. (1983). A spatial model of effectiveness criteria: Towards a competing values approach to organizational analysis , Management Science , 29, 363–377.
-       Ranaee Kordesholi, Habibollah. & Qorani, Mohammad. (2007). Organizational Culture Management: Designing of Model Based on Competing Value Framework in Iran Oil National Company. Iran Management Sciences  Quarterly, 2 (6), 45-52.(In Persian)
-       Saner, R. (2001). Competitive Advantage & Quality of Human Resources, Centre for Socio -Eco-Nomic Development: Geneva.
-       Snell, S .& Bohlander, G. (2011). Managing Human Resources ,(16rd ed.). New York: South-Western,Cengage Learning.
-       Stewart, K. G. & Brown, G. L. (2011). Human Resource Management: Linking Strategy to Practice. ,(2rd ed.). Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons.
-       Storey,  J. (1995). Human resource management: still marching on, or marching out?, in Storey, J.(4rd ed.). Human Resource Management: A Critical Text ,Routledge: London.
-       Tayebi, Seyyed. Jamaledin., : Farhangi, Ali. Akbar., : Nasiripoor, Amirashkan., :Baradaran, Reza., & Ebrahimi, Parvin. (2013). Survay the Factors Factors Related to accept the hospital information system Based on Competing Value Framework, Health Management Quarterly,14(3), 43-62. (In Persian)
- Agiomirgianakis, G. and Serenis, D. and Tsounis, N. (2015). Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Tourist Flows into Iceland, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 24: 25- 34.
- Ahmadi Mehrabani, M. and Mehdipour, M.H. (2010). Export of Technical and Engineering Services (Processes and Operation), the Commerce Printing and Publishing Company, Tehran.
- Akin, C. (2006). Multiple Determinants of Business Cycle Synchronization, Paper Presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economic Association, Montreal.
- Ali Akbar, S.S. (2002). Liberalization of Services in Developing Countries, Institute of Economic Affairs, Issue 1.
- Boyrati, A. (2013), The Exchange Rate Volatilities and its Effect on Export and Import in Iranian Economy, Master Thesis, University of Ashrafi Esfahani.
- Chit, M. and Judge, A. (2011). Non-linear Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Exports: The Role of Financial Sector Development in Emerging East Asian Economies, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 25: 107-119.
- Deardorf, A.V. (1995). Determinants of Bilateral Trade: Dose Gravity Work in a Neoclassical World?, NBER Working Paper No. 5377.
- Goldsmith, R.W. (1969). Financial Structure and Development, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
- Haberler, G. (1959). International Trade and Economy Development, Lecture at National Bank of Egypt, 11-14.
- Hayakawa, K, and Kimura, F. (2009). The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade in East Asia, Journal of Japanese International Economies, Vol. 23: 395–406.
- Isazade Roshan, Y. (2015). Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Case Study of Iran", Journal of Macroeconomic and Strategic Policies, Vol. 3(10): 89-106.
- Kandil, M. Berument, H. and Dincer, N. (2007). The Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Economic Activity in Turkey, Journal of Asian Economics, Vol. 18(3): 466-489.
- Kazerouni, A., Hasan Nejad Daneshmand, E. and Maniee, O. (2013). The Effect of Foreign Exchange Fluctuations on Export of Iran's (Non-linear Approach, Markov-Switching), Quarterly Journal of Applied Economics Studies, Vol. 3(10): 219-246.
- Krugman, P. R. (1990). Rethinking International Trade, Cambridge MA and London, MIT Press.
- Mayer, T. and Zignago, S. (2011). Notes on CEPII’s Distances Measures, CEPII, Working Paper No. 2011-25.
- McKenzie, M.D. (1999). The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade Flows, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 13(1): 71-106.
- MotafakkerAzad, M., Shahbazzadeh, K. A. and Khosroshahi, A.A. (2014). The Effect of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on Exports of Industrial Goods (Saikkonen & Lutkepohl Approach). Journal of Economic Modeling Research, Vol. 4(16): 181-203.
- Pain, N. and van Welsum, D.  (2004). International Production Relocation and Exports of Services, National Institute of Economics and Social Research.
- Rahman, S. and Serletis, A. (2009). The Effects of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Exports, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 31(3): 500-507.
- Sabbagh Kermani, M., Yavari, K. and Baskha, M. (2009). The Effect of Openness on Economic Growth in the Services Sector OIC, Quarterly Journal of Economics and Modern Commerce, Vol. 12: 1-26 (In Persian).
- Serenis, D. and Nicholas, T. (2013). Exchange Rate Volatility and Foreign Trade: The case for Cyprus and Croatia, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 5: 677-685.
- Shams Nia, J. (2011). Effect of Fluctuations in the Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations Affecting Exports and Imports in Iran", Master Thesis, University of Shiraz.
- Shane, M., Roe, T., and Somwaru, A. (2008). Exchange Rates, Foreign Income, and U.S. Agricultural Exports, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 37: 160-175.
- Sheldon, I. and Mishra, K.S. (2013). Exchange Rate Uncertainty and US Bilateral Fresh Fruit and Fresh Vegetable Trade: An Application of the Gravity Model, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 110: 281-316.
- Shin, K. and Wang, Y. (2004). Trade Integration and Business Cycle Synchronization in East Asia, Paper Provided by East Asian Bureau of Economic Research its Series Trade Working Papers, No. 360.
- Trade Promotion Organization.
- UNCTAD. (2008). World Investment Report. TNCs and the Infrastructural Challenge.
- Wang, K.L. and Barrett, C.B., (2007), Estimating the Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Export Volumes, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 32: 225-255.
- Yazdani, M. and Pirpour, H. (2016). The Determinants of Export of Technical and Engineering Services in Iran: Seasonal Co-integration Approach, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Vol. 12(4): 91-118.
- Yazdani, M., Ramezani, H, and Sadeghi, M. (2017c). Border Effects on Commodity Groups of Iranian Trade Flow: Application of Non-linear Specification, Economics Research, forthcoming.
- Yazdani, M., Sadeghi, M. and Ramezani, H. (2017b). Border Effects on Bilateral Trade among Iran and Major Partners: Approach of Non-Linear Gravity Model, Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 52(1): 245-269.
- Yazdani, M., Tayebi, S.K., and Ramezani, H. (2016a). Border Effects on Trade Flows of Commodity Groups between Iran and Korea, International Conference on the Cooperation Platform for Iran and Korea in the Post-Sanctions Era, Iran-Korea Economic Forum, Tehran, Iran.
- Zarzoso, I. and Lehmann, F. (2000). Augmented Gravity Model and Empirical Application to MERCOSUR-European Union Trade Flows, Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. VI (2): 291-316.
فهرست منابع
-       Armstrong, M . (2006). A handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (10rd ed.) .London/Philadelphia: Kogan.
-       Armstrong, M. (2008).Strategic Human Resource Management : A Guide to Action (3rd ed.). London/Philadelphia: Kogan.
-       Boxall, P .(2014). The future of employment relations from perspective of human resource management, Journal of International Relations, 56(4), 578-593.
-       Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E.  (1999). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the competing values framework(2rd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman.
-       Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2006). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture, Based on the Competing Values Framework (2rd ed.). Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons.
-       Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture, Based on the Competing Values Framework (4rd ed.). Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons.
-       Campbell,  J. P., : David A. B., : Norman G. P., & Marvin D. D. (1974) . The Measurement of Organizational Effectiveness: A Review of Relevant Research and Opinion. Navy Personnel Research and Development Center, San Diego, CA.
-       Chermerhon, H .(2005). Organizational Behavior  (3rd ed.) . New York: John Wiley and son inc.
-       Delery, J. & Doty, D. H. (1996). Models of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurationally performance predictors. Academy. Management Journal. 39(4), 802-835.
-       Denison, D. R., : Haaland, S. & Goelzer, P. (2000). Corporate culture and organizational effectiveness: Is Asia different from the rest of the world? Organizational Dynamics, 33 (1), 98-109.
-       Fey, C. F. & Denison, D. R. (2003). Organizational culture and effectiveness: can American theory be applied in Asia? Organization Science , 14(6), 686–706.
-       Grant, R. M. ( 1996). Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Strategy Management Journal ,4(17), 109–11.
-       Kaplan, R. S. & Norton, D.P. (2001). The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Score-card Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
-       Lapnina, I. M. & Gunta. S. O. (2014). Human resource management modesl :aspects of knowledge management and corporate social responsibility, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 110,(6), 577-586.
-       Lee, J.C.: Shiue, Y.C. & Chen, C.Y.  (2016) . Examining the impacts of organizational culture and top management support of knowledge sharing on the success of software process improvement" . Computers in Human Behavior.Elsevier, 54(9),  462- 474.
-       Monavarian, Abbas, : Gholipoor , Aryan., & Heydari, Ahmad. (2013). Organizational Culture Analysis and Alignment Determine of Human Resource Management Staffing System whit Cultural Optimum Values in Iran Insurance Corporation, Public Administration Quarterly, 3(6), 402-123. (In Persian)
-       Naurizbaevana, .D S. (2012) .Human Resource Management Practices in kazakhstan Oil and Gas industry (case of KazTransGas company) Unpublished Ph.D, The Kazakh British Technical University. Kazakhstan.
-       Ngui, T. K. (2014). Effect of human resource management strategies on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya, Unpublished Ph.D, The Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Kenya.
-       Noe, R. : Hollenbeck, J., : Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2009). Human resource management :Gaining a competitive advantage ,(7rd ed.). McGraw-Hill. NewYork:free press.
-       Ouchi, W.G. & Jaeger, A.M .(1978). Type Z organization: stability in the midst of mobility. Academy of Management Review ,3(2), 305–14.
-       Panayotopoulou, L. & Papalexandris, N.  (2004). Examining the link between human resource management orientation and firm performance.Personnel Review, 33(5), 499-820.
-       Quinn, R. E. & Rohrbaugh, J. (1983). A spatial model of effectiveness criteria: Towards a competing values approach to organizational analysis , Management Science , 29, 363–377.
-       Ranaee Kordesholi, Habibollah. & Qorani, Mohammad. (2007). Organizational Culture Management: Designing of Model Based on Competing Value Framework in Iran Oil National Company. Iran Management Sciences  Quarterly, 2 (6), 45-52.(In Persian)
-       Saner, R. (2001). Competitive Advantage & Quality of Human Resources, Centre for Socio -Eco-Nomic Development: Geneva.
-       Snell, S .& Bohlander, G. (2011). Managing Human Resources ,(16rd ed.). New York: South-Western,Cengage Learning.
-       Stewart, K. G. & Brown, G. L. (2011). Human Resource Management: Linking Strategy to Practice. ,(2rd ed.). Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons.
-       Storey,  J. (1995). Human resource management: still marching on, or marching out?, in Storey, J.(4rd ed.). Human Resource Management: A Critical Text ,Routledge: London.
-       Tayebi, Seyyed. Jamaledin., : Farhangi, Ali. Akbar., : Nasiripoor, Amirashkan., :Baradaran, Reza., & Ebrahimi, Parvin. (2013). Survay the Factors Factors Related to accept the hospital information system Based on Competing Value Framework, Health Management Quarterly,14(3), 43-62. (In Persian)
- Agiomirgianakis, G. and Serenis, D. and Tsounis, N. (2015). Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Tourist Flows into Iceland, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 24: 25- 34.
- Ahmadi Mehrabani, M. and Mehdipour, M.H. (2010). Export of Technical and Engineering Services (Processes and Operation), the Commerce Printing and Publishing Company, Tehran.
- Akin, C. (2006). Multiple Determinants of Business Cycle Synchronization, Paper Presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economic Association, Montreal.
- Ali Akbar, S.S. (2002). Liberalization of Services in Developing Countries, Institute of Economic Affairs, Issue 1.
- Boyrati, A. (2013), The Exchange Rate Volatilities and its Effect on Export and Import in Iranian Economy, Master Thesis, University of Ashrafi Esfahani.
- Chit, M. and Judge, A. (2011). Non-linear Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Exports: The Role of Financial Sector Development in Emerging East Asian Economies, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 25: 107-119.
- Deardorf, A.V. (1995). Determinants of Bilateral Trade: Dose Gravity Work in a Neoclassical World?, NBER Working Paper No. 5377.
- Goldsmith, R.W. (1969). Financial Structure and Development, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
- Haberler, G. (1959). International Trade and Economy Development, Lecture at National Bank of Egypt, 11-14.
- Hayakawa, K, and Kimura, F. (2009). The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade in East Asia, Journal of Japanese International Economies, Vol. 23: 395–406.
- Isazade Roshan, Y. (2015). Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Case Study of Iran", Journal of Macroeconomic and Strategic Policies, Vol. 3(10): 89-106.
- Kandil, M. Berument, H. and Dincer, N. (2007). The Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Economic Activity in Turkey, Journal of Asian Economics, Vol. 18(3): 466-489.
- Kazerouni, A., Hasan Nejad Daneshmand, E. and Maniee, O. (2013). The Effect of Foreign Exchange Fluctuations on Export of Iran's (Non-linear Approach, Markov-Switching), Quarterly Journal of Applied Economics Studies, Vol. 3(10): 219-246.
- Krugman, P. R. (1990). Rethinking International Trade, Cambridge MA and London, MIT Press.
- Mayer, T. and Zignago, S. (2011). Notes on CEPII’s Distances Measures, CEPII, Working Paper No. 2011-25.
- McKenzie, M.D. (1999). The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade Flows, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 13(1): 71-106.
- MotafakkerAzad, M., Shahbazzadeh, K. A. and Khosroshahi, A.A. (2014). The Effect of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on Exports of Industrial Goods (Saikkonen & Lutkepohl Approach). Journal of Economic Modeling Research, Vol. 4(16): 181-203.
- Pain, N. and van Welsum, D.  (2004). International Production Relocation and Exports of Services, National Institute of Economics and Social Research.
- Rahman, S. and Serletis, A. (2009). The Effects of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Exports, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 31(3): 500-507.
- Sabbagh Kermani, M., Yavari, K. and Baskha, M. (2009). The Effect of Openness on Economic Growth in the Services Sector OIC, Quarterly Journal of Economics and Modern Commerce, Vol. 12: 1-26 (In Persian).
- Serenis, D. and Nicholas, T. (2013). Exchange Rate Volatility and Foreign Trade: The case for Cyprus and Croatia, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 5: 677-685.
- Shams Nia, J. (2011). Effect of Fluctuations in the Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations Affecting Exports and Imports in Iran", Master Thesis, University of Shiraz.
- Shane, M., Roe, T., and Somwaru, A. (2008). Exchange Rates, Foreign Income, and U.S. Agricultural Exports, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 37: 160-175.
- Sheldon, I. and Mishra, K.S. (2013). Exchange Rate Uncertainty and US Bilateral Fresh Fruit and Fresh Vegetable Trade: An Application of the Gravity Model, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 110: 281-316.
- Shin, K. and Wang, Y. (2004). Trade Integration and Business Cycle Synchronization in East Asia, Paper Provided by East Asian Bureau of Economic Research its Series Trade Working Papers, No. 360.
- Trade Promotion Organization.
- UNCTAD. (2008). World Investment Report. TNCs and the Infrastructural Challenge.
- Wang, K.L. and Barrett, C.B., (2007), Estimating the Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Export Volumes, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 32: 225-255.
- Yazdani, M. and Pirpour, H. (2016). The Determinants of Export of Technical and Engineering Services in Iran: Seasonal Co-integration Approach, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Vol. 12(4): 91-118.
- Yazdani, M., Ramezani, H, and Sadeghi, M. (2017c). Border Effects on Commodity Groups of Iranian Trade Flow: Application of Non-linear Specification, Economics Research, forthcoming.
- Yazdani, M., Sadeghi, M. and Ramezani, H. (2017b). Border Effects on Bilateral Trade among Iran and Major Partners: Approach of Non-Linear Gravity Model, Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 52(1): 245-269.
- Yazdani, M., Tayebi, S.K., and Ramezani, H. (2016a). Border Effects on Trade Flows of Commodity Groups between Iran and Korea, International Conference on the Cooperation Platform for Iran and Korea in the Post-Sanctions Era, Iran-Korea Economic Forum, Tehran, Iran.
- Zarzoso, I. and Lehmann, F. (2000). Augmented Gravity Model and Empirical Application to MERCOSUR-European Union Trade Flows, Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. VI (2): 291-316.
فهرست منابع
-       Armstrong, M . (2006). A handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (10rd ed.) .London/Philadelphia: Kogan.
-       Armstrong, M. (2008).Strategic Human Resource Management : A Guide to Action (3rd ed.). London/Philadelphia: Kogan.
-       Boxall, P .(2014). The future of employment relations from perspective of human resource management, Journal of International Relations, 56(4), 578-593.
-       Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E.  (1999). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the competing values framework(2rd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman.
-       Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2006). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture, Based on the Competing Values Framework (2rd ed.). Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons.
-       Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture, Based on the Competing Values Framework (4rd ed.). Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons.
-       Campbell,  J. P., : David A. B., : Norman G. P., & Marvin D. D. (1974) . The Measurement of Organizational Effectiveness: A Review of Relevant Research and Opinion. Navy Personnel Research and Development Center, San Diego, CA.
-       Chermerhon, H .(2005). Organizational Behavior  (3rd ed.) . New York: John Wiley and son inc.
-       Delery, J. & Doty, D. H. (1996). Models of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurationally performance predictors. Academy. Management Journal. 39(4), 802-835.
-       Denison, D. R., : Haaland, S. & Goelzer, P. (2000). Corporate culture and organizational effectiveness: Is Asia different from the rest of the world? Organizational Dynamics, 33 (1), 98-109.
-       Fey, C. F. & Denison, D. R. (2003). Organizational culture and effectiveness: can American theory be applied in Asia? Organization Science , 14(6), 686–706.
-       Grant, R. M. ( 1996). Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Strategy Management Journal ,4(17), 109–11.
-       Kaplan, R. S. & Norton, D.P. (2001). The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Score-card Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
-       Lapnina, I. M. & Gunta. S. O. (2014). Human resource management modesl :aspects of knowledge management and corporate social responsibility, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 110,(6), 577-586.
-       Lee, J.C.: Shiue, Y.C. & Chen, C.Y.  (2016) . Examining the impacts of organizational culture and top management support of knowledge sharing on the success of software process improvement" . Computers in Human Behavior.Elsevier, 54(9),  462- 474.
-       Monavarian, Abbas, : Gholipoor , Aryan., & Heydari, Ahmad. (2013). Organizational Culture Analysis and Alignment Determine of Human Resource Management Staffing System whit Cultural Optimum Values in Iran Insurance Corporation, Public Administration Quarterly, 3(6), 402-123. (In Persian)
-       Naurizbaevana, .D S. (2012) .Human Resource Management Practices in kazakhstan Oil and Gas industry (case of KazTransGas company) Unpublished Ph.D, The Kazakh British Technical University. Kazakhstan.
-       Ngui, T. K. (2014). Effect of human resource management strategies on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya, Unpublished Ph.D, The Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Kenya.
-       Noe, R. : Hollenbeck, J., : Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2009). Human resource management :Gaining a competitive advantage ,(7rd ed.). McGraw-Hill. NewYork:free press.
-       Ouchi, W.G. & Jaeger, A.M .(1978). Type Z organization: stability in the midst of mobility. Academy of Management Review ,3(2), 305–14.
-       Panayotopoulou, L. & Papalexandris, N.  (2004). Examining the link between human resource management orientation and firm performance.Personnel Review, 33(5), 499-820.
-       Quinn, R. E. & Rohrbaugh, J. (1983). A spatial model of effectiveness criteria: Towards a competing values approach to organizational analysis , Management Science , 29, 363–377.
-       Ranaee Kordesholi, Habibollah. & Qorani, Mohammad. (2007). Organizational Culture Management: Designing of Model Based on Competing Value Framework in Iran Oil National Company. Iran Management Sciences  Quarterly, 2 (6), 45-52.(In Persian)
-       Saner, R. (2001). Competitive Advantage & Quality of Human Resources, Centre for Socio -Eco-Nomic Development: Geneva.
-       Snell, S .& Bohlander, G. (2011). Managing Human Resources ,(16rd ed.). New York: South-Western,Cengage Learning.
-       Stewart, K. G. & Brown, G. L. (2011). Human Resource Management: Linking Strategy to Practice. ,(2rd ed.). Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons.
-       Storey,  J. (1995). Human resource management: still marching on, or marching out?, in Storey, J.(4rd ed.). Human Resource Management: A Critical Text ,Routledge: London.
-       Tayebi, Seyyed. Jamaledin., : Farhangi, Ali. Akbar., : Nasiripoor, Amirashkan., :Baradaran, Reza., & Ebrahimi, Parvin. (2013). Survay the Factors Factors Related to accept the hospital information system Based on Competing Value Framework, Health Management Quarterly,14(3), 43-62. (In Persian)
- Agiomirgianakis, G. and Serenis, D. and Tsounis, N. (2015). Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Tourist Flows into Iceland, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 24: 25- 34.
- Ahmadi Mehrabani, M. and Mehdipour, M.H. (2010). Export of Technical and Engineering Services (Processes and Operation), the Commerce Printing and Publishing Company, Tehran.
- Akin, C. (2006). Multiple Determinants of Business Cycle Synchronization, Paper Presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economic Association, Montreal.
- Ali Akbar, S.S. (2002). Liberalization of Services in Developing Countries, Institute of Economic Affairs, Issue 1.
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