Creating Competitive Advantage: An Investigation of Dimensions Green Human Resource Management on the Green Supply Chain Management with the Moderating Role of Green Innovativeness in Industrial Firms

Document Type : Production & Operations Management


1 Assistant professor, Management department, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative sciences, Semnan University, Iran

3 Phd student of Management, Semnan university, Semnan, Iran


The main purpose of supply chain management is to identify the appropriate suppliers and distributors and to support them to increase the efficiency of product transfer operations to the intended objectives with the aim of reducing the operating costs of the company. Also, Green Supply chain management (GSCM) is the new field in management. It provides solutions to reduce costs and environmental risks, and increase environmental desirability across the supply chain. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and GSCM and the role of green Innovativeness in the relationship between Green Supply chain management and competitive advantage. The statistical population of this study is all companies active in industrial towns of West Azerbaijan that 258 were selected by simple random sampling method. In other words, the questionnaire was used to collect data and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze data. The results of the study show that Green Development and Training, Green Empowerment, and Green Pay and Reward have positive and significant effects on the GSCM. In addition, GSCM efficiently effects on the competitive advantage of the organization. Additionally, Green Innovativeness moderates the relationship between GSCM and competitive advantage.


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