Social Construction of Strategy: An Interpretive Approach to the Formation of Strategies in Organizations

Document Type : Sterategic Management


Assistant Professor, faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, University of mazandaran, Babolsar


The field of strategy is dominated by the theory of strategic choice, which is based on strong rational and analytical approaches. As a result, too much agency is attributed to human actors, especially those who are considered strategists.Thus, the influence of broad actors on strategy-making is ignored and less emphasis is placed on the relationship between strategy and organization.The basis of this research is obtained from previous studies in the field of public policy in the public sector (Danaeifard and Abedin, 2016) and the formation of strategies in the field of organization (Abedin et al., 2015 and 1397). The theoretical foundations of this research are based on the theory of strategic situation of Budania (2014) and the theory of social construction of reality, Berger and Luckman (1966). This study is the result of several months of observing the behavior of the research sample and how they make strategic decisions to understand the field of research. During this time, in-depth discussions have taken place with 11 consultants and managers at various levels of a private company active in the construction and financial services industries.The analysis of these interviews, using the Glaser approach of the data research strategy of the Foundation, shows that in the field of formation of organizational strategies, there are streams of meanings and games by actors in this field, which ultimately leads to the formulation of strategies.


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