Knowledge Management in Banking and Financial Industry: Share of Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies

Document Type : Technology


Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Military Sciences, Imam Ali University - Tehran, Iran


The technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution facilitate knowledge management practices in the banking and financial industry. Therefore, it is necessary to create appropriate platforms and mechanisms for using these technologies in the field of banking. In this research, through Delphi technique and in three stages, the application of emerging technologies with the focus on of Industry 4.0 technologies in the banking and financial industry has been identified. The panel members consisted of 10 experts in the field of information technology and finance. After their consensus, 17 emerging information technologies in the banking and financial sector were identified and their rank was determined through the Kendall test. These technologies include: data mining, bio-identification system, fraud detection technologies, touchless ATM, data mining, cloud computing, Omni-Channel Marketing, artificial intelligence, fintech, Biometric, Block chain, Intelligent Social Networks, Artificial Neural Networks, Remote Monitoring technologies, Business Intelligence, IoT and Digital Accounts. Then, by these experts, the application of these technologies in four areas of banking, namely marketing, human resources, risk management and customer orientation in a three-tier range (low, medium, high) has been determined According to experts, all identified technologies have medium to high application in four areas of banking.


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