Commercial Branding of Iranian Handmade Carpets: A Semiotic study of Advantageous Producers

Document Type : Scientic Paper


1 Associate Professor of Marketing; Management Department; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; University of Kurdistan; Sanandaj. Iran

2 Department of Business Management, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The recent studies show that the local market of handmade carpets has not been able to perform in its marketing sector and be considered as a product with a brand name. This is while its machine competitor has acted somewhat more favorably and used branding as the strategies to increase success. The main reason is to look at the branding of this type of carpet based on a series of teachings transmitted from the past times.In this regard, the main purpose of this study is to examine the branding processes in handmade carpet production units, ways to create, develop and position the necessary brand for them. The results of this study can be used as a basis for future policies of managers of this sector of handicrafts and have an advantage in the country. Descriptive research method is used and statistical population of the research is production units and sellers of handmade carpets in Kermanshah and Kurdistan provinces. The purpose of choosing this part of the country is to have advantageous producers of handmade carpets. The results show that these areas have less power to create valuable brands. However, there are advantages in industrial products. Studies show that the situation of branding and marketing system of production units in Kurdistan province is better than Kermanshah generally, but in terms of customer taste indicators, economic and cultural variables and market segmentation, Kermanshah has performed better. The local, spatial and historical landmarks have also been more important for branding in selected units.


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