Techniques of strategic approach to green human resource management and review its outcomes for sustainable development

Document Type : Management & Organization


1 Ph.D. Student, Public Management, Human Resources Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Management, Payame Noor University, East Azerbaijan, Iran.


The ambiguity of the strategies ofthe strategic approach of green human resource management for researchers and the increasing role of sustainable development and,most importantly,its environmental aspects,led the authors;The aim ofthe present study was to identify the strategies of strategic management of green human resources and to examine its relationship with sustainable development. Current research strategy;The approach is mixed.In order to collect qualitative and quantitative research data,interview tools and questionnaires were used.The statistical population of the study was experts in the field of human resources in both academic and organizational groups that human resources specialists in the twelve districts of Tabriz Municipality and its affiliated institutions formed the study group.In the qualitative part,the non-probable snowball sampling method was used to select the interviewees and a simple random method was used for the quantitative sampling.Qualitative data were collected through interview protocol and quantitative data were collected through questionnaire distribution.In the qualitative stage ofthe research,the main codes and concepts were identified through interviews with experts using theme analysis method and based on previous research and qualitative results,the dimensions of strategic green human resource management were identified and its consequences for sustainable development were investigated.In the quantitative stage ofthe research,the structural equation modeling approach using partial least squares method was used to investigate the relationship between the thirteen dimensions of strategic green human resource management and sustainable development.Findings indicated that seven dimensions including:green strategy,green human resource planning,green employment,green education,green discipline,green corporate social responsibility,green printing are significantly,directly and with low intensity effective on sustainable development.


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