Application of System Dynamics in Evaluating Knowledge Management Processes on Supply Chain Efficiency

Document Type : Production & Operations Management


1 Ph .D. Student of Industrial Management.Faculty Of Management and Economics, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Full Professor, Department of Industrial Management, .Faculty Of Management and Economics.Tarbiat Modares Univesity. Tehran.Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty Of Management and Economics.Islamic Azad University, Science &Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


Knowledge and intellectual capital of the organization is a key factor in a competitive
market.So, obtaining and achieving it quickly can lead success for the companies in a competitive market. Knowledge management processes are systematic processes which play an effective role in improving supply chain efficiency. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to provide a model for evaluating knowledge management processes on supply chain efficiency using the system dynamics approach.This research is applicable and has been done in two stages.First, by reviewing the literature and interviewing experts, the key components of knowledge management were identified and then the system dynamics approach was used to evaluate its impact on the supply chain efficiency of a petroleum products production and distribution company.
Findings showed that knowledge management processes based on the components of creation, registration, sharing, use and exploitatiovfn by improving the efficiency of supply chain elements including raw material input, production rate, transportation and customer’s service providing as well as reducing wastes have a positive impact on more demand coverage. Also, the results of the implementation of the proposed scenarios evaluated the effect of knowledge management components on the efficiency of the chain. Finally, this model was successful by providing appropriate outputs and using the components of knowledge management to increase efficiency in the supply chain.. The proposed model helps industry managers and decision makers to identify the results obtained from the implementation of knowledge management methods and to improve methods in supply chain efficiency by taking measures.


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