An Investigation of Factors Affecting Organizational Integrity in the Public Sector of Iran

Document Type : Management & Organization


1 Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Economic & Management, Tarbiat Modarres University

2 Professor, Department of Public Administration, Farabi College, Tehran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Farabi College, Tehran

4 Ph.D. Public Administration Student, Farabi College, Tehran University, Iran


Expounding organizational integrity and its basic element in Iranian public organizations, this research aims to clarify the concept of organizational integrity through presenting a model. Considering the essence of the research, mixed research method is used. In this research, many theories and models in the field of organizational integrity have been examined. These models are expressed from the study of 217 researches and the selection of 63 articles and books.Effective factors on organizational integrity are determined using theoretical bases, interviews and questionnaires as well as required quality and quantity analyses and then the research findings are briefed through which the questions set out in the first chapter will be answered. Statistical computer program, Smart PLS3, is used to survey the questions and to process the research method and also to analyze data. And, structural equation modeling (SEM) is also used to survey and rate the pattern of organizational integrity in public organizations. In the end, findings show that organizational, cultural and managerial factors effect organizational integrity in the public sector.


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Journal of Executive Management
دکتر حسن دانایی فرد، دکتر حسن زارعی متین، دکتر علی حمیدی زاده، فاطمه سیفی. واکاوی عوامل موثر بر شکل گیری پاکی سازمانی در بخش
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