Providing a model for strategic planning of emerging technologies in defense research centers with an action research approach

Document Type : Technology


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Industrial Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Management and Industrial Engineering, Malik Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Master of Science in Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Industrial Engineering, Malik Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


In today's turbulent world and uncertain conditions, the strategic planning of technologies plays an important role in their successful management and is considered the cornerstone of technology management in technology-oriented organizations. Strategic planning of technologies in defense research centers, which are the pioneers of creation and development of a significant part of the country's technologies, is very key and an undeniable necessity. Therefore, this study has been compiled with the aim of providing a model for strategic planning of emerging technologies of defense research centers. This research was conducted with an action research approach and based on the Susman & Evered model in four phases of observation and planning; Developing a strategic planning model for emerging defense technology; Model implementation in defense research centers; And monitoring and review has been used, which has lasted for more than a year. In the observation and planning stage, review and analysis of the literature on strategic planning of technology and problem diagnosis and creating a common understanding of managers and relevant experts were done, and in the stage of drafting the initial model, with the opinion of experts including 15 managers, researchers and faculty members of defense research centers. , in a qualitative method and using fuzzy screening and focus group interviews, the local model of strategic planning of technologies according to the ecosystem of the defense sector was presented. In the next stage, with the formation of specialized working groups in defense research centers, this model was used and the related technologies were counted according to it, and the validation of the model was done in practice. In the monitoring and revision phase, after the implementation of the strategic planning model for emerging defense technology developed in the defense research centers, the initial theoretical model was compared with the operationalized model, and the final model was approved by the experts. Defense research centers were placed. The results of the research showed that the strategic planning of emerging technologies in defense research centers includes a six-stage, hierarchical model in the form of sixteen steps. This model includes six stages of identifying technological needs and required capabilities, designing and developing a product based on capabilities, identifying and choosing technological solutions, developing a technology macro map, developing an operational and monitoring plan, as well as protection, support and commercialization of technology at the same time and in connection exhibited with each other and tries to provide the most help to the purposeful fulfillment of their mission by aligning and creating a logical connection between the activities of defense research centers and defense needs. In the presented model, considering the period of planning and monitoring and evaluation in the form of four-year, annual and monthly periods, it has been tried to pay attention to the relationship between strategies and macro-plans with operational plans. Also, turning strategies into tangible and measurable executive actions should be taken into consideration.


Main Subjects

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