Analyzing Stealth Marketing and Customer Experience in Consumer Judgment

Document Type : Sterategic Management


1 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Postdoctoral in Economics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.


Direct and unique experiences with a product provide a deeper understanding of its benefits and features, ultimately having a greater impact on customer satisfaction and judgment. In stealth marketing, creating creative and extraordinary experiences can strengthen the role of a mediator in influencing customer experience. This study examines the impact of customer experience on product judgment and the environment, the importance of human senses in creating positive or negative experiences and, ultimately, the role of stealth marketing in consumer judgment. The present research is quantitative in nature and applied in terms of its goal. In terms of data collection and analysis methods, it is descriptive and non-experimental, with analyses conducted using structural equation modeling. Additionally, the research is a survey type, as data were collected through a questionnaire. The statistical population of this study included customers of chain stores in the city of Sanandaj, located in Kurdistan Province, and the questionnaire was distributed among 280 customers, determined using the G*Power software. Findings show that with a path coefficient of 0.504, there is a positive and significant effect between stealth marketing and customer experience. Furthermore, the relationship between customer experience and consumer judgment, with a coefficient of 0.458, indicates a positive and significant impact. Additionally, the direct relationship between stealth marketing and consumer judgment is shown with a coefficient of 0.309, indicating a positive but less significant effect compared to the indirect relationship via customer experience. The results of the study revealed that experience and stealth marketing together play a stronger and more meaningful role in consumer judgment.


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