Identifying Indicators of Family Physician Empowerment to Improve Service Quality in Social Security Treatment Management in Mazandaran Province

Document Type : Management & Organization


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Management, Tabriz (Aras) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Assist. Prof., Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran


The family physician plan is an integrated service delivery method at the first level of health service delivery, in which the family physician and his team members are responsible for providing comprehensive, continuous, coordinated, and individual and family-based health services. This research was conducted to identify the empowerment of family physicians to improve the quality of services in managing social security treatment in Mazandaran province. The statistical population of the qualitative section consisted of experts, including family physicians and treatment management managers of Mazandaran province, who had at least five years of management or family physician experience. The number of sample people in the qualitative section was selected based on the snowball sampling method. Interview tools and a researcher-made questionnaire based on the results of interviews and content analysis were used to collect information. The supervisors and the consultant determined the face validity of the questionnaire, and the CVR index determined its content validity. Data analysis was conducted using the meta-combination technique. Results showed that 57 indices were identified in four dimensions and 11 components. The required infrastructure, communication, and planning criteria were identified for the next step. For the dimension of motivational mechanisms, the criteria of motivation, awareness, and power of action were selected, and for the dimension of management indicators, the criteria of evaluation, management, and financial supervision were selected. In order to improve service delivery methods, training and process improvement criteria were also determined. Therefore, the identified empowerment indicators of family physicians led to the improvement of the quality of services in social security treatment management in Mazandaran.


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