Developing a model to assess the strategic integration of supply chain with value creation approach (Case Study: IRANKHODRO Industrial Group supply chain management)

Document Type : Production & Operations Management


1 Management of Faculty industrial management,Azad university,TABRIZ



Nowadays, organizations are paying particular attention to supply chain strategy and how manage their supply chain, and integrity on the supply chain is considering as a source and strategic capabilities which will create value for stakeholders in the chain. At the first step, integrated strategies for supply chain is developed by using Sustainable Balanced Score Card (SBSC) model, and at the same time in order to improve supply chain performance, Supply Chain Advisor Level Evaluation (SCALE) model is measured with a focus on value creation on supply chain performance which led to examine strategic integration of the IKCO Iran Khodro company supply chain. The methodology of study in terms of purpose is functional and from data collection point of view, is descriptive with case study. In this study with focusing on confirmatory factor analysis, smart PLS software (Smart PLS-SEM) Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling has been used to examine variables and model structural equation modeling. Finally, the proposed model assessment has been approved with high reputation and results are proposed to promote the quality of the strategic integration of the supply chain which IKCO Iran Khodro company might applied in its supply chain after approval of industry experts and universities.


Main Subjects

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