A Study of the Effect of Authentic Leadership Style on Staff Job Performance with Mediation of Organizational Virtuousness in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

Document Type : Management & Organization


1 Department of Educational management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan,Iran.

2 Professor of Educational management department,, University of Isfahan, Isfahan,Iran

3 Assistant professor of Education department , Faculty of humanities and social sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

4 Department of Educational management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan,, Iran


The purpose of this study was to study the effect of authentic leadership style on Job performance of staff with the Mediation of Organizational virtuousness in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. The research method is descriptive correlational. The statistical population of this study was all administrative staff of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2016. The sample size was calculated based on Morgan's table and a simple random sampling method was used. For collecting information, three questionnaires were used: Walumbwa authentic (2008), Organizational Virtuousness of Cameron et al (2004) and Paterson’s job performance (1990). Validity was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. In order to analyze the hypotheses in this study, structural equation modeling has been used. Data were analyzed using Smart PlS software. Data analysis showed that the staffs of the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences believe that authentic leadership and organizational virtuousness have a significant and positive impact on staff job performance. As well as authentic leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational virtue. According to the results, the university administration through the implementation of authentic leadership can accelerate the realization of organizational virtuousness and by considering organizational virtuousness factors can develop and enhance the staff job performance.


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