Framework of Consumer Perceptions of Discounts and Perceptions Management of Value Creative and Value Destruction

Document Type : Sterategic Management


1 PhD student, of Business Management ,Management Faculty , Alborz Pardis, University Of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate professor, Management department, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to identify positive and negative perceptions of consumers about store discounts. Identifying customer perceptions can facilitate its management and enhance positive perceptions and improve negative perceptions. This study was initially carried out using a Meta-Synthesis method. And then we interviewed 17 consumers to understand consumer perceptions of discounts. In-depth interviews were also conducted with 14 executives and experts to manage the improvement of negative perceptions of value Destruction and promote positive perceptions of value creation.   Using thematic analysis of in-depth interviews with consumers, their perceptions were extracted and compared with Meta-Synthesis results. The Interviews were introduced to MAXQDA software for coding. After coding process, in the second step, 128 codes were identified. From the referral point of view, poor quality code (15 referrals), optimum purchase (11 referrals), pleasant sense (9 referrals), tricks and deceit (7 referrals), production with in-store price tag (7 referrals), regret and sense of shame (4 references), were most important based on their referral frequencies. In the next step, the codes were divided into 45 Sub themes and finally themes into 9 Main themes. From the referral point of view in the third phase, Volume discount (8 referrals), Return of Goods (8 referrals), Mention the profit on the purchase invoice (7 referrals) and Online shopping (6 referrals), were most important based on their referral frequencies.


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