Explaining the Model of the Role of Human Resources Practice on Public Service Motivation with a Psychological Approach

Document Type : Sterategic Management


1 Professor, Management Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student, Institute for Management and Planning Studies, Tehran, Iran

3 Institute for management and planning studies

4 Business Management, Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Management, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


The present study seeks to design a model explaining the role of Human Resource practices in public service motivation with a psychological approach. In other words, while determining the human resource measures that affect public service motivation, the impact of human resource actions on public service motivation is examined from a psychological perspective. The study is descriptive, purposeful, and descriptive in terms of data collection. The research population was staff of one of the public universities with 445 person and 207 samples were selected randomly by Cochran formula. This study was performed on a sample of 114 questions. The internal consistency of the questionnaire instrument was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient which was confirmed. The Cronbach's alpha of perceived Human resource measures is 0.972, psychological ownership 0.939, psychological climate 0.973, public service motivation 0.876, and psychological empowerment 0.883. The results show that perceived Human Resource practices have effect psychological climate. Psychological ownership and psychological empowerment also influence public service motivation. The mediating role of psychological ownership and psychological empowerment in the relationship between perceived Human resource practices and public service motivation was confirmed. However, Human Resource practices have not effect on public service motivation and the mediating role of the psychological climate in the relationship between perceived Human resource practices and public service motivation was not confirmed.


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