Identifying the Dimensions and Components of Human Resource Adjustment in Islamic Azad University (Case Study: Mazandaran Province )

Document Type : Sterategic Management


1 PhD student,, Public Administration Department,, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr branch, ,,Qaemshar, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Public Administration Department, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr Branch,Qaemshahr, Iran

3 Assistant Professor,, Public Administration Department, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr Branch, Qaemshahr, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Public Administration Department, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr Branch, Qaemshahr, Iran


This study aims to provide a model for the employee adjustment of the faculty members and staffs in the Islamic Azad University of Iran (a case study in Mazandaran province) and to examine the dimensions of the effectiveness indicators and procedures applicable to human resource adjustment. This study is purposefully a descriptive study and methodologically a survey research. In this research, data were collected from the interview with the university experts and the questionnaire. Five factors of effectiveness and related factors including organizational agility (4 components), human resource empowerment (16 components), adjustment effects (5 components), the ability to implement of the method (4 components) and legal contexts (3 components) and 11 methods were used in the first stage of the research. The adjustment of power was based on the initial selection model and the questionnaires were designed. In the next stage, the sample consisted of 35 faculty members and staffs from different branches of Azad University of Mazandaran province. All questionnaires of this research were designed using valid scientific questionnaires to determine the significant levels by PLS-SEM software. The statistical population in the final stage of the study included employees and faculty members of all Azad University of Mazandaran Branch in 2018. The final model of the research consists of 5 indicators, 13 components and 3 methods of human resource adjustment in each case.


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