Insurance Firms` Performance and the Effects of SHRM and Entrepreneurial Orientation; A Study in Insurance Firms` Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Sterategic Management


1 Assistant professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba`I University, Tehran, Iran.

2 MA student, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba`I University, Tehran, Iran.


This research aims to investigate the relationship between strategic human resource management and firms’ performance with the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation in insurance firms listed in the Tehran stock exchange. By purpose, this research is an applied survey and methodologically is a descriptive study. The statistical population consists of the senior human resource experts, managers, and supervisors of insurance firms listed in the Tehran stock exchange. Research data was collected through standard questionnaires distributed straight- randomly among a sample of 117 respondents. The reliability of research tools was examined according to the Cronbach coefficient and composite reliability coefficients for each construct. Also, the construct validity of the research tool was tested through confirmatory factor analysis. Research conceptual framework and hypotheses were analyzed according to structural equation modeling via XLSTATE PLS. Findings indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between strategic human resource management and insurance firms’ performance in its three dimensions as internal performance, job performance, and performance against competitors. Also, the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation in the relationship between strategic human resource management and insurance firms’ performance in all of the three dimensions was confirmed. Meanwhile, the positive and significant effect of entrepreneurial orientation on performance dimensions was confirmed as well.


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