Designing the Competency Model for Top and Middle Managers of the National Iranian Petrochemical Company

Document Type : Sterategic Management


1 Ph.D. student, Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Faculty of Administrative and; Economics, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative and Economics, Isfahan, Iran

3 Associate professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative and; Economics, Isfahan, Iran

4 Head of Substitution Planning at the National Iranian Petrochemical Company, Tehran


This study intends to identify and design a competency model of top and middle-level managers of the National Iranian Petrochemical Company. The methodology adopted is of the mixed qualitative and quantitative type. Ten interviews with top and middle managers of the National Iranian  Petrochemical Company were performed to collect qualitative data which was analyzed using the thematic analytical method thereafter with MAXQDA. The primary model of research was extracted from a study of high-level documents, a thematic analysis of the data provided by the interview, and a literature review. The resulting model was then studied using the Delphi method. On the quantitative side, a Questionnaire was used to collect data. In order to check the indices of the model, these data analyzed by SPSS25 and Exploratory Factor Analysis method. According to the results, the findings of exploratory factor analysis are in line with the qualitative research model. The competency model for the top and middle managers do not differ in dimensions, components, or indices and only the importance of the competencies was different in the top and middle management levels. The competency model of research for both top and middle managers was designed in three dimensions, personal competencies, interpersonal competencies and administrative competencies, eleven components, and forty-six indices.


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