Evolutionary Mapping of the "Organizational Rejuvenation" Concept as a Research Domain (1965- 2019): Bibliometric Analysis and Research Gaps

Document Type : Management & Entrepreneurship


1 Ph.D. candidate, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Professor, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Organizational rejuvenation as a strategic entrepreneurial phenomenon is an old but almost unknown concept. In this research, a systematic review based on bibliometric method has been performed. A total of 1004 selected articles (out of 61385 articles) obtained from Scopus and WOS scientific databases in the field of organizational rejuvenation and related scientific fields (Such as Business Turnaround, organizational Revitalization, Restructuring, Business Process Reengineering) have been used. These articles have been analyzed by Co-occurrence and Co-citation techniques using VOSviewer software. Based on the results of the Co-occurrence technique, seven clusters were identified as dimensions of the concept of organizational rejuvenation: 1-Development of organizational capabilities 2- Business Process Improvement 3-Organizational restructuring 4-Business turnaround strategies 5-Entrepreneurial leadership development 6-Innovation 7-Business rebranding. The last four dimensions of which are part of the theoretical contribution of this research. Also, based on the results of the co-citation technique, 8 clusters of authors (as a scientific community) were identified and practically three dimensions of the new dimensions of organizational rejuvenation concept(Business turnaround strategies, Entrepreneurial leadership development, and Business rebranding) can be seen in the results of both techniques. According to the proposed systematic model, businesses can achieve competitive advantage by responding to environmental uncertainty, to maintain a competitive position, or to address issues of declining performance by aligning the seven clusters of organizational rejuvenation. Finally, at the end of the article, a number of research gaps are suggested for future research.


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