Executive Framework for Evaluation and Improvement of Strategic Changes Readiness in Public Organizations

Document Type : Management & Organization


1 Deputy of management & social science, niroo research institute (NRI)

2 Head of the Research Institute for Policy and Governance Studies,, Niroo Research Institute



Objectives: Developing a dynamic and step-by-step model to improve the readiness of organizations to implement strategic plans, is an important issue that has not been yet considered by researchers. The implementing of operational management methods in combination with maturity models based on the conceptual models of change readiness led to the development of a new model in this field. With this comprehensive approach, the integration, coherence and coordination of change interventions with other organizational factors can be ensured. Method: In this longitude survey study, by reviewing 14 maturity reference models, an evolutionary model was developed to evaluate and improve the readiness of strategic changes by covering their weaknesses and paying attention to the efficiency of the model in the context of Iranian public organizations. After reviewing the theoretical foundations, interviews with senior managers of the Ministry of Energy (ministers and deputy ministers and CEOs of current and former parent companies) as well as utilizing the elite capacity in universities and the presence of researchers in the executive team of the change program, the theoretical gap in existing models through developing of strategic change readiness model (ATRA) identified and solved. Results: The process of developing the prescriptive model of strategic change readiness was described in six steps, Including: Explaining the levels of maturity model, identifying criteria, evolutionary processes, identifying gaps, explaining strategies and finally the step-by-step implementation model Conclusion: By using this model, change agents can prepare the conditions for implementing change in the organization by spending minimal resources in a short period of time and have an operational plan from start to finish. ATRA model is high flexible and dynamic and can be used for any kind of change in any organization.


Main Subjects

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