Environmental Components on Technology Transfer from University to Industry: Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis

Document Type : Technology


1 Department of Technology Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


In addition to education and research, universities have increased their interaction with industry and society, and by focusing on technology transfer to industry, they contribute to the social and economic development of their regions and countries. In other words, in the evolution of their role, universities have moved from educational and research universities to entrepreneurial universities, and today, in the new generation of universities, the role of society-oriented science and technology transfer has been added to their previous roles. At present, society's expectation of the contribution of academic science to economic development has greatly increased. In this regard and to justify the investment in academic research, universities have started their entrepreneurial activities by investing in knowledge, interacting closely with industry, and developing internal structures to deal with new business demands. This research, with an ecosystem perspective, identifies environmental factors influencing the successful transfer of technology from university to industry.


Main Subjects

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